This book gives you the tools to get started in the ministry of healing, the prophetic and power evangelism.
Prophesy: Just Do It! Video Course
This course will help you get started with the gift of prophesy.
Aprenda a desarrollar su habilidad de escuchar la voz de Dios y de profetizar. Con mas de 5 horas de enseñanzas y ejercicios prácticos, tu puedes desarrollar en el ministerio profético.
RUAH School of Power Evangelism (LEVEL 2) Offer
Learn how you can understand and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with not only words, but also power. Learn how you can use words of knowledge, healing, deliverance and more as tools to share the love and power of God.
$120.00 USD
RUAH - School of Prophecy (Level 1)
Get over five hours of instruction and over 20 different prophetic exercises and activations that can help you develop your ability to hear and see the voice of God.
$99.99 USD
Profetiza y sana a los enfermos libro oferta
Si tu deseas crecer en la profecía, palabras de conocimiento, sanidad divina y evangelismo con poder, este es un libro que tienes que leer. Este es el primer libro escrito por Matthew Helland en el cual se basa la Escuela Ruah.
$6.00 USD
RUAH (niv. 2) Evangeliseren met kracht
Leer hoe jij kan het evangelie begrijpen en toepassen eerst op jouw eigen hart voordat jij het gaat delen met anderen. Wordt getraind in hoe jij kan het evangelie delen en bidden voor genezing en bevrijding zodat jij het evangelie kan delen met woorden en daden.
85 euros
The Five Day Prophetic Promise Course Offer
Are you ready for 5 days that have the potential to transform the way you approach life’s challenges and opportunities? With all that you have already experienced so far, are you ready to activate God’s voice and be propelled into His purpose for your future? This eJournal is a companion to the 5 Day Prophetic Promise Course. Each day you will have prophetic activation exercises to immediately put into action what you are learning. You will record your journey in this eJournal – simply print it out and have it ready to go for day 1 of the course.
Prophétise et Guéris les Malades (French)
Comment grandir dans la Prophétie, les Paroles de Connaissance, la Guérison et l'Évangélisation Puissante.
12.00 USD
Prorocia Si Vindecarea Bolnavilor (Romanian)
Profecia E Cura De Enfermos (Portuguese)
Você pode crescer no profético, palavras de conhecimento, evangelismo sobrenatural e mais! Este livro lhe dá o alicerce bíblico e passos práticos em como crescer nesses ministérios tao importantes. Assuntos abordados inclui: Criando Uma Nova Geração de Profetas, Três Pré-requisitos Para o Ministério Profético, Como Cultivar o Ministério Profético, Como Escutar a Voz de Deus, Como Profetizar, Ativações Proféticas, Diretrizes Para o Ministério Profético, Como Crescer em Palavras de Conhecimento, Criando o Futuro, Como Tornar o Amor de Deus Tangível, Como Curar o Enfermo, Como Crescer em Evangelismo Sobrenatural. Profecia, Cura de Enfermos e "Faça a Coisa!"
© 2024 New Life Equip & RUAH School of Prophecy - Matthew Helland
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