RUAH School of Prophecy

"Living to the rhythm of the heartbeat of God."

Level 1: Prophetic Activation

Information - Demonstration - Activation

Get a sound biblical understanding of prophetic ministry; receive prophetic ministry and be activated so that you too can prophesy

Groups meet weekly for a month so that trainers can equip you in prophetic ministry.

Enrollment in this course gets you access to: 1 hour of live teaching, 5+ hours of online video teaching with more than 21 prophetic activations & exercises, level 1 manual + a copy of the book Prophesy: Just Do It! + a certificate of completion so that you can follow level 2.

Level 2: Discover the Power of the Gospel

Get a solid biblical foundation regarding why and how we should share the gospel as Jesus and his Apostles did: with power.

Course content include subjects such as: Why Power Evangelism; Understanding God's Emotions; Our Motivation for Evangelism; The Process of Evangelism; Intimacy & Authority; Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit and Praying in Tongues; How to Get Words of Knowledge and Wisdom; How to Heal the Sick; How to Cast Out Demons; How to Intentionally Grow in Power Evangelism; & more.

Students get one hour of live teaching, + Access to more than 5 hours of online video teaching with exercises + Level 2 manual + Five weeks of monthly group training + a certificate so they can do level 3 and a copy of Matthew Helland's book Power Evangelism: Just Do It!

Level 3: Interpretation of Dreams & Visions

"When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams." Num. 12:6

More than 1/3 of the Bible is made up of prophetic dreams and visions. Many of the biblical meanings of these symbols are unknown to the average believer. Learning how to interpret dreams and visions is an essential aspect of contemporary prophetic ministry. This course is based on Jolande Bijl's book Understanding Your Dreams and Vision with over a thousand possible meanings of symbols from every day life based on scripture.

Students get one hour of live teaching, acces to more than five hours of online teaching, and a level 3 manual. This course is based on Jolande Bijl's book Understanding Your Dreams and Visions.


"Matthew Helland will inspire, inform and impart new things in your life. His teaching are strategic for helping every believe live out the fullness of the Spirit in our generation."

Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr.

Bishop I.P.H.C.

"Matthew Helland is the type of guy that brings the refreshing love of God wherever he goes. If you have the opportunity to meet him, I wholeheartedly recommend him concerning all ministry."

Phil Strout

National Director of Vineyard Association of Churches, USA

"Matthew Helland is a gifted practitioner and a practical trainer that will inspire you to expect to see Jesus do more than you knew was possible."

Putty Putman

Founding Director of School of Kingdom Ministry, Pastor at The Vineyard of Central Illinois

"Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially prophecy." 1 Cor. 14:1

© 2024 RUAH is part of New Life Equip - M & F Helland

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